38 and Counting (My Blessings)

I’m sitting here at Panera on a Saturday morning as is my normal routine, working on stuff for clients, catching up on email, etc. What’s a little abnormal is that it’s my 38th birthday.  And while I’ve got a HUGE list of stuff to get done, I’ve got to take a minute to put some thoughts down here on the blog. I started this “tradition” when I turned 35 and I’ve continued it with Thoughts At 36 and Thoughts At 37.  So… here goes.

Chewie at the Game

I’m the luckiest guy on the planet. I look back at last year’s post when things were about perfect and then I realize that they’ve got even better.  I’ve had SO much change in my life, but the good stuff remains (and just keeps getting better).

I have quite simply the best group of friends a guy could ever ask for.  Anyone that says can’t make “real” friends on Twitter has never met my crew. They’ve already been blowing up my timeline with some of the nicest messages and well wishes.  Love you guys. And don’t forget about Facebook friends who’ve been chatting me up since last night. Truly humbling.

My family. They’re everything to me. I’ve gotten to spend more time with my folks, Wife’s folks, brothers, sister-in-laws, cousins, etc. this past year and it’s been amazing. There’s never enough time in life and I’ve been trying to make an effort to talk, text and see them more… and it’s paying off.

And then there’s my core… these folks that I quite literally do everything I do for. They are my purpose…

20 Year Reunion

My Baby Doll… I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  I feel bad to ever stand in the same frame as her as I know I’m bringing the picture down a few notches.  This one was taken at our 20 year high school reunion a few months back. 16 years of marriage later this month, 21 years together in October and I’m still in awe that she chose me.  Her birthday is tomorrow and I feel very strongly that I was put on this Earth one day before her cause I knew she was coming.  She’s the best mom, wife and friend I could possibly imagine.  Happy early birthday H.  Love you.

G & C.  Wow. These guys are a handful… but in the absolute best way you can imagine. They’ve become little men like you can’t even imagine. Headed into 2nd and 1st grade respectively we’re looking forward to an amazing year.  They’re both growing physically and mentally faster than I ever could have imagined. Truly a constant source of entertainment.

G and C at the 4th

Speaking of growth… Our little family unit of 4 became 5 when we welcomed a third little boy, L, to the mix in May!  This guy is quite simply… a rock star.  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little worried about having another kid so long after C came along, but this little guy has blown away all expectations. Sleeps like a stud, is happy and (so far at least) has been nearly a perfect baby.

Best Little Brother

We’ve got a ton of other stuff going on in our lives and it’s all good. I don’t do it often enough, but I try to take this day to truly count my blessings.  Sure I’m a little fatter than I’d like to be, but that’s cause whiskey tastes awesome and it’s proof that I’ve got food on the table. Sure I don’t get to spend nearly the time with my friends and family that I’d like to, but that’s cause I’m a nerd and I’ve got a job to go to every day. I just passed another year dip free and hell… even LeBron is coming home 😉  Yep… I’m a pretty lucky guy.

Family Tami

I could keep posting pictures and being sappy all morning but I’ve got lots to do this morning and we’re heading to Mom & Dad’s to kick off a weekend of birthday celebrations.  Thanks again for all the birthday wishes.  I’m a very lucky guy indeed. *blush*

One thought on “38 and Counting (My Blessings)

  1. Did a little research and found out I share a birthday with a couple of famous folks. Kevin Smith I knew about, but the others are news to me:

    1966 – Tim Wakefield, American baseball player and sportscaster
    1967 – Aaron Krickstein, American tennis player
    1969 – Cedric Ceballos, American basketball player
    1970 – Kevin Smith, American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
    1982 – Grady Sizemore, American baseball player
    1985 – David Hart Smith, Canadian wrestler

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