Thoughts at 35

Today’s my 35th birthday.  As folks tend to do on these “milestone” birthdays I find myself being a bit introspective today.  I’ve been completely overwhelmed by the well wishes by my family, friends and co-workers.  Fair warning… this is going to get a bit sappy.

35th birthday 01
This Lady’s My Rock… Love You H

I’m 35 today… she’s 35 tomorrow.  I’ve often said that I was put on this Earth one day before her cause I knew she was coming.  She keeps me in check and provides everything that guy could ask for in a wife and a mother.  Love you Baby Doll.

35th birthday 02
These Guys Are The Reason I Live

If there’s anything that I can point to that proves my worth in this existence, it’s these guys.  G & C provide constant entertainment, endless adoration & love, and a perspective that I simply can’t get anywhere else.  Love you guys.

35th birthday 03
What More Could A Guy Ask For?

The caption says it all… I really can’t ask for anything else.  Life’s pretty damn good.

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