Thoughts At 37

Not sure how it happened, but we’re through July and as I flip the calendar I realize it’s once again August 2nd, and I’ve turned another year older.  Sadly… the immortality pill hasn’t been discovered in this past year :).  I’m absolutely floored by the number of folks that have taken time out of their day to drop me a note on Facebook, Twitter, text, etc. to wish me a happy birthday – thanks you everyone.  It’s incredibly humbling.  For the last couple of years now (Thoughts At 36 and Thoughts At 35), I’ve been writing a quick blog post on the day of my birth.  I’ve enjoying looking back at those posts quite a bit over the years (as I did this morning) so I figured I’d continue the tradition.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.  Or something like that.

Actually that really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense cause our lives are in what seems like a constant state of crazy.  As Charlie Sheen says,  “I have one gear… go.”  I’ve got the greatest group of friends that a guy could ever ask for.  Between folks that I’ve known for more than 30 years now (it’s scary that I can actually say that) to people I just met in the last year via Twitter and networking events (anyone who says you can’t make “real” friends on Twitter has never met these fine folks) I’m incredibly blessed.

And while my life seems to be in a constant state of flux, there are a couple of things that never change.  My love and devotion to my driving force…

A and G at Kyle Nicole's Wedding
I can’t hold a candle to this lady… such a stunner.

My Baby Doll… I feel bad to ever stand in the same frame as her as I know I’m bringing the picture down a few notches.  No matter how dressed up I get, I’m always out shined by my H.  We’re celebrating 15 years of marriage this month and I’m the luckiest guy on the planet that she chose me.  I say it every year and I’ll say it again… I was put on this Earth one day before her cause I knew she was coming.  She’s the best mom, wife and friend I could possibly imagine.  Happy early birthday H.  Love you.

G & C.  These guys are a constant source of entertainment and are growing into two little men that I’m so proud of I can’t even begin to put it into words.

Two Little Angels
Two little angels… sometimes 🙂

Sure they fight the way brothers do.  Sure there are days when we can’t wait till bed time to have just a little peace and quite.  I think it’s fair to say that’s part of parenting.  But I have to say in all sincerity that these guys are the reason I do everything that I do.  This year we dealt with a first lost tooth, kindergarten, sports and so much more.  Can’t wait to look back next year and see what they’ve gotten into!

Family On Marco Island
A perfect night on the beach with my favorite people.

I’ve got lots more to say and a ton more pictures to post, but I’m running the risk of being super sappy the way it is.  Wouldn’t want to ruin my rep :).  Thanks again for all the birthday wishes.  I’m a very lucky guy indeed. *blush*

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