Thoughts At 37

Not sure how it happened, but we’re through July and as I flip the calendar I realize it’s once again August 2nd, and I’ve turned another year older.  Sadly… the immortality pill hasn’t been discovered in this past year :).  I’m absolutely floored by the number of folks that have taken time out of their
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Thoughts at 36

Another year has passed and as the calendar flips to August 2nd I’m reminded that no matter what I tell myself, I’m not immortal.  Today’s my 36th birthday.  I’m once again blown away at the number of people that have gone out of their way today on Facebook, Twitter and in person to wish me
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Father’s Day 2012

Sunday was Father’s Day and I wanted to make sure that I get this posted before I forget the details of a glorious day.  I was woken on Sunday morning the sounds of the boys downstairs.  I was in and out of sleep, but that’s pretty normal on the weekends when Mom & Dad tend
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Yep… This Kid Is Cool

So last night, we finally had C-Man’s birthday party (we’d celebrated on his actual birthday when we were on vacation in Florida back in March).  I was going through the hard drive this AM and realized that I’ve got quite a few AWESOME pics of the big man so I just had to share them!
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We Built A Box

I typically try to keep up with my life here on the blog so it reads in chronological order, but I’ve been so busy lately that I’m a little behind.  That said, stay tuned for a couple of posts about movies I’ve watched recently, baseball and Father’s Day. However… wanted to write about my weekend
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