A Photo Shoot For Mr. Matt

The boys love Mr. Matt.  They look forward to his trips here every year just about as much as I do.  So, while they’re bummed that SuperDad isn’t going to be around this weekend, they’re super excited that Dad gets to hang out with his buddy.  We were sitting around the dinner table last night and I mentioned to them that Mr. Matt wasn’t going to believe just how big they’d gotten and that I’d show pictures of them on my phone.

Naturally, that lead to the conversation of exactly WHAT pictures I was going to show Mr. Matt and the inevitable conclusion that the current pictures I had we clearly sub-standard.  We needed a photo shoot and we needed it right… now.  During dinner… before we finished.  I managed to hold them off until after dinner was cleaned up but we marched right downstairs to take some acceptable pics to share with Mr. Matt.  And here they are…

G & C Posing For Mr. Matt
G & C Posing For Mr. Matt
And now the “silly” shot
And now the “silly” shot
C show that HE is the World Champion
C show that HE is the World Champion
Though G may have something to say about that
Though G may have something to say about that
I’ve never been prouder as a wrestling fan or as a father…
I’ve never been prouder as a wrestling fan or as a father…

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