Holiday weekends are great and this past one was no exception. We were jam packed starting on Friday night when we got together to celebrate Gramp’s birthday (pics forthcoming). As you can tell from the photo here the kids really enjoyed their weekend and for once we were able to tire them out (3 nights in a row out WAY past their bedtime will do that I suppose).
Saturday was “get away day” as we traveled up to Put In Bay for the afternoon. We had some travel snafus as we’re prone to do, but the boys absolutely LOVED taking Miller’s Ferry over to the island, speeding around on the golf cart, going to Perry’s Cave and having ice cream at Dairy Queen. On the way home (after a luxurious dinner at Taco Bell), we got to see quite a few fireworks displays from the highway which was way cool.
Sunday was a crazy busy day which started at the pool. G went off the diving board for the first time! On the way out, we hopped a ride on the local Rocket Car which was a big hit!
After stop at home for a nap and a shower, we were back up to the club for a cookout and fireworks with Grandma, Gagi, Uncle Mark and Aunt Meagan. WHAT FUN!
Monday the weather was absolutely beautiful and we took full advantage. We had a leisurely breakfast at home on the patio and the boys were in the sandbox and we set up the sprinklers to let them run through. In the evening, we headed up to take in the Solon fireworks with Grandma, Pop & Gramps. Other than the fact that it took forever and a day to get out of there we had a blast! (Note to Solon’s finest… please don’t park your cruiser in the right lane when you’ve got 4,000 people trying to file out of the Community Park. You’re causing more harm than good.)

And finally… here’s the finale of the fireworks from Solon – a great way to end a great weekend!