So last night, we finally had C-Man’s birthday party (we’d celebrated on his actual birthday when we were on vacation in Florida back in March). I was going through the hard drive this AM and realized that I’ve got quite a few AWESOME pics of the big man so I just had to share them! It’s been FAR too long since I’ve done a C-centric post!
As I mentioned, we took our yearly trip to Florida recently (HUGE thanks to Grandma & Pop for making this a possibility) and had an absolutely wonderful time. As you can imagine between the pool and swimming in the ocean (well, the gulf, but to a little guy it’s the same thing) these guys get tired out!!!

As I said in the title of this post, this guy is COOL. He absolutely LOVES his trains, and like any kid he’s always up for a trip through the toy aisle (which Super Dad naturally encourages 😉 )
Easter is one of the boys’ favorite holidays. Not only does the Easter Bunny show up, but he brings CANDY!
Yes… I take a lot of pictures. But with kids this cute who wouldn’t?
I can’t have a “family” post without including Momma… she keeps us all in line and (relatively) out of trouble 😉 Sure, we’ve got quite a few stitches recently but this post is about C… Full stitches report when I talk about G-Man!

Thank goodness for the iPhone… If not for this piece of technology it’d be difficult to get stuff like this!