Try Some Cinnamon In Your Eye

The last couple of weekends have been absolutely crazy so I was really looking forward to some quality family time this weekend and ability to knock some stuff off my honey do list.  I had planned on taking Friday off but due to some unforeseen circumstances that didn’t work.  Luckily it was a terrible day weather-wise so the scolding I received wasn’t TOO harsh.  (sorry again hon)

Saturday started out very nicely.  We decided not to go to soccer as the G-man wasn’t feeling well and we were certain that the fields would have been complete crap based on all the rain we’d recently received.  With that decision behind us we were free to have a lazy morning around the house which included scrambled eggs, smoothies, and pancakes.  There’s nothing quite like a quiet (relatively) breakfast with my wife and kids.

The big event for Saturday was the G-man’s first movie!  Pop took him and his mom to the movies to see Toy Story 3D.  I stayed home with C so I didn’t get to see how cute he was but based on what A said I’m sure my heart would have melted.  Hearing her describe him sitting there with his feet up, his 3D glasses on and his popcorn was just awesome and really brought a smile to my face.  At one point he leaned over to his mom and asked if the bad men were going to get him.  Adorable.

Toy Story 3D

Later that evening A and I got to have a kid free evening out.  We went to dinner with my bro and his wife at Crop Bistro & Bar.  I’m not a “foodie” but if you’re in Cleveland I’d highly recommend it.  Food, atmosphere and especially the company were amazing.  A and I were also celebrating the anniversary of our first date… 16 years together.  Wow.  Not sure where the time went but I’ve loved every minute of it.

Sunday was cutting day (as Thursday was rain filled).  I’ve talked previously about G’s love for all things power tool.  I figured I’d pull out all the stops as Super Dad and got him his own blower!  I fear that I’ve opened Pandora’s Box but I can’t tell you how happy he was to be out there blowing leaves with Dad.  After the leaves were gone we cut the grass and put up some Halloween decorations.  Uncle Kent got engaged yesterday (congrats my man!) so Mom was out of the house in the afternoon with he and his new fiance Melissa.  The boys needed a nap so I stayed home and after they got up we did a couple of errands.  On the way home I decided to really up the Super Dad quotient and stopped at McDonalds for some fries… sure it was a cheap way to score some brownie points with the boys (and to piss off mom in the process) but the smiles on their faces while they ate their fries made it all worth it.

Sunday night dinner is generally a pretty laid back affair.  Last night was BW3s for the boys and I which means WINGS!!!  I can no longer get by with a dozen as the last time we did that I got 4 wings… MAN do those boys eat.  After dinner G and C got some home made applesauce from grandma which they douse with cinnamon.  G got a little over zealous and managed to get some in his eye.  Note to everyone out there.  Cinnamon hurts like a son of a bitch when it gets in your eye.  At least that’s what I gathered from G’s reaction.

All in all I didn’t get nearly enough knocked off my list but I had a great time with the boys and A.  In the grand scheme of things that’s all I was hoping for this weekend… a complete success!

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