The Plate-Wearing Fork Thrower

The Fork ThrowerG got done with breakfast early this morning and went off to get ready for school.  Mom went upstairs to get herself ready so Super Dad was left to contend with the C-man who wasn’t quite finished with his waffles (complete with powdered sugar).

I turned my back for a second (stupid move dad) and when I turned back around C had his plate (once again complete with powdered sugar) on his head.  I tell you what… I love this boy but I think he’s destined for the short bus one of these days.

He was having such a great time giggling to himself that I couldn’t help but laugh.  I decided to grab my phone and take a picture of him and I was lucky enough to get this “in action” shot of him getting ready to launch his fork across the kitchen as he’s prone to do.  This signifies to mom and dad that the meal is now over.

We followed up this meal with some leftover chili and cornbread for lunch.  Ever see a near 2 year old with cornbread eyebrows?  I have 😉  Love you C-man!

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