Bellan For Twinsburg City Council – Ward 5

Greg and Amanda BellanI have recently announced that I am a write-in candidate for Twinsburg City Council – Ward 5.

I have lived in Twinsburg for 13 years and Northeast Ohio for most of my life. I am married to my high school sweetheart, Amanda, and we have three sons who are in (or will be in) the wonderful Twinsburg school system. I spend much of my free time coaching youth baseball and basketball for TBL and TRBL and volunteering with several organizations. Amanda and I love being part of the Twinsburg community. We feel that it’s a special place, where the focus on quality of life stretches from young families, like us, through its senior residents.

So why do I want to be your Ward 5 Councilman?

For the last three years, I have become more involved in our local government, observing both its accomplishments and challenges. I regularly attend Council meetings, which gives me a better understanding of the issues facing our community. I am excited about the progress Twinsburg has made and I want to make sure it remains proactive and forward thinking. We have an opportunity to redefine our downtown area and continue to build upon our strong business base. This can all be accomplished while keeping our small town feel and character. We need a cohesive Council that can keep Twinsburg moving in the right direction. I want to be part of that team.

Brief Resume


  • Indiana University, Double Major – Computer Information Systems and Operations Management
  • Strayer University, Masters of Business Administration

Professional Experience

  • Manager – Digital Experiences Sherwin-Williams
  • Co-Founder,, national tobacco cessation organization
  • President / Owner KTC Digital, Digital Marketing and Web Development Firm


  • Twinsburg Chamber of Commerce
  • Twinsburg Baseball League
  • Twinsburg Basketball League
  • Advisory Board Member – National Summit on Smokeless Tobacco
  • Cleveland Web Association


  • Twinsburg Mayor Ted Yates
  • Twinsburg Councilman – Ward 5 (current) Seth Rodin
  • Councilwoman – Ward 3 Jo-Ann McFearin

Thank you in advance for your support.

For more information please visit

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