Going Green Or Going To Hell???

One of the biggest thrills in my (nearly) 3 year old’s life is helping daddy take the garbage out on Monday night.  He talks about it all week long and then gets so excited when the day comes.  We go from room to room collecting the garbage and the recycling and then make multiple trips
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Stuff I’ve Learned Recently

It’s amazing the things you learn when you’re a first time dad.  Here are a few things that I’ve recently learned.  And I thought I had this whole parenting thing licked… Once a child learns that they can get out of their crib, they will do so… 3,427 times a night. Buying a new lock
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Weekend Knowledge Gains…

We’re learning all the time right?  This weekend was no different.  Here’s just a small sampling of stuff that I either determined as truths for the first time or reaffirmed based on very specific examples… When you have no “plans” for the weekend you’ll look back on Monday morning and realize just how tiring doing
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Things I Learned This Weekend

I’m sure everyone out there on the Interweb loves to read about my crap. I had a couple of interesting/funny things happen this past weekend… enjoy! A smoothie, when spilled by a two and a half year old, will splatter all over the floor, table, walls & windows.  When said smoothie is mopped up it
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